A graphic designer’s life as told by Captain Holt

When someone with zero graphic design experience tries to suggest weird edits and tell you how to do your job…

Stay Out My Business GIF - StayInYourLane Bucko BackOff GIFs


When you finish the first draft of a project and your client likes it right away, so you can finish the final product quicker than your expected timeline…

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When you look back on a completed project and begin to critique and nitpick every single detail about it…

Garbage Holt GIF - Garbage Holt B99 GIFs


When you have to make small talk with current and potential clients to keep positive customer relations…

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When you can’t get a project completed during normal work hours and have to spend overtime and weekends working to complete due dates…

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Getting a phone call/ email from a previous client who was complicated and underpaid you…

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When you finish numerous rough drafts for a client, they hate every single one of them and you have to remain cool while designing new drafts…

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When you finally stand up and start to pack up for the day after doing nothing but sitting and staring at your computer…

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The inner anger when a team you’re leading cannot design something that follows the brand style guide…

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When your non-graphic design friends/ family members ask how you are doing and how you like your job…

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When a client tells you they aren’t going to use you after all once you’ve done all the work and sent them all the drafted design files…

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Your thoughts when a client asks you to create/ design something that is extra out of your agreed specs and/or timeline and won’t pay extra…

This Bitch Brooklyn99 GIF - ThisBitch Bitch Brooklyn99 GIFs


When the program you’re using glitches and none of your major changes saved to the file…

nbc GIF by Brooklyn Nine-Nine


Seeing your work come alive and it receives a positive response from attendees/ audience/ client’s customers/ other viewers…

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Hearing your friends complain about their jobs, but you feel successful, accomplished, and love with what you do for a career…

feeling good nbc GIF by Brooklyn Nine-Nine

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