30 things every woman needs by 30 under $30

Being a woman in your twenties can be a big challenge: you may be in school or you may have a full-time job, you may be living at home with your parents or you may be living in a college dorm or an apartment, you may be single or you may be married and have children. Everyone’s situation is vastly different, and its hard to find time for yourself because you constantly have things going on and limited time and money to spend.

One thing for certain though, is that there are certain things that every woman needs in her life to be prepared for anything and everything, and that is what this article is about. I want to share what I think every woman needs by the time she turns 30 that costs no more than $30. These items can make a huge impact in the everyday life that any woman lives, and are essential to making her life easier and feeling amazing. Note that everything listed here was $30 or less when this article was written and posted, if there are any price changes, please don’t hate me…


1.) Roadside Assistance Tool Kit:

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There is a saying “it’s better to be over prepared than under prepared,” and this kit can do that, and be a live saver. This kit includes jumper cables, a tow rope, a flashlight, and more that can help in almost every car incident that you could have. It may not seem like it now, but you will thank yourself later once you use it once or twice.


2.) 5 in 1 Adapter Tool:

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This tool, while at first glance looks like the typical USB charger, could one day maybe save your life! This charger also has a built-in flashlight, glass breaker, seatbelt cutter, and a 2,200 mAh portable power bank to charge your phone in case your car won’t start in an emergency situation. 


3.) Waterproof Flashlight:

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Where I live, there are so many different weather situations that we could experience, that a built-to-last flashlight is essential in every emergency. For tornadoes, earthquakes, flooding, snow and ice storms, including this flashlight (and some extra batteries) will help tremendously in any emergency. There are more colors available on the website.


4.) Basic Tool Kit:

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No one ever understands how important it is to own a toolkit with all the basic tools until you need them. For some women (myself included), tools can be overwhelming and sometimes its hard to know when you need them, so this essentials kit is perfect! There are more color options on the website, but as of right now, the pink is the cheapest.


5.) Cubic Zirconia Studs:

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My mom always told me growing up that every woman needs a good, reliable pair of cubic zirconia stud earrings because the can literally go with everything. Boy, was she right… I’ve learned just how much a simple pair of studs can significantly class up an outfit, and I always have some pairs ready to wear that go with every outfit I own. 


6.) Little Black Dress:

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A simple black dress is another fashion item that every woman needs in her life. Why black? Because black is slimming, simple, classic, matches every season and trend and goes with almost every kind of event. You will always have a reason to wear a dress, why not make the most out of your money by buying something that you will definitely wear more than once.


7.) Nude Heels:

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Just like your little black dress, nude heels are essential to every woman’s wardrobe because of their class and versatility. Let’s face it: you will always find an event or an excuse to wear heels, and cute and comfortable heels are not always cheap or easy to find. If you can find a good quality pair of heels that don’t break the bank, then you can conquer the world. There are more color options on the site, but practically, nude is the shoe color that will go with any wardrobe and look classy no matter what age or style you aim for.


8.) High Heel Relief Inserts:

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Not all high heels are built alike; some have more padding and comfort in the design than others, some heels have more support than others, and some have more “hot spots” than others. Overall, heels can be a pain but having some kind of insert can significantly help and offer the support you need to walk like a normal human. I have inserts and pads for my heels, and they make wearing heels so much more bearable in an 8:30am-5:30pm workplace.


9.) Stick Spot Cleaner:

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Accidents happen, you spill a little spec of coffee on your light colored blouse or spill ketchup on your pants, we’re human after all. Every woman needs to feel prepared to tackle any situation, and stains can really mess with your confidence in some cases. That’s why I always carry some kind of stain removal stick on me at all times, I’ve learned the hard way that it is so essential, and you don’t realize it until you NEED it…


10.) Slim Clothes Hangers:

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These hangers are great I will swear by these as a “must have” for everyone, especially people with tight closet/ storage space. When I switched all my hangers to the slim kind, I was able to cut the room used in my closet by half and open up more space. These really do work and are much more sturdy than any wired hanger. Your closet will look so much neater and more organized!


11.) Emergency Sewing Kit:

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You never know when you will get a small hole in your sweater or have a button fall off of your favorite blouse. This kit is perfect for someone with little sewing experience to use to fix your average clothing mishaps. It includes a large variety of string colors that can go with any clothing color you could need. Plus it includes various needles that will work with any fabric. My grandma always said it is always good to have a sewing kit, big or small, because it’s much cheaper to sew and patch holes and fix buttons than to go out and buy all new clothes.


12.) Cutting Boards/Mats:

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For the woman who loves to cook and likes order, this is a game changer in cooking. These cutting boards prevent cross-contamination between foods, as they are color coded and easily identified. They are made of flexible silicone, are eco-friendly and many chefs love them. Plus with a textured back to prevent slipping, just put a wet paper towel underneath when you are using. They really help make your kitchen feel organized when you are preparing a meal for yourself and your family.


13.) Snap N’ Strain Strainer:

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This strainer is designed to clip on to any size pot, pan, or bowl to drain water and other liquids from your food dishes. It is made of silicone, safe to wash in the dishwasher, BPA free, and is a true space saver in the kitchen.



14.) Travel-Sized Face Regimen:

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Did you know that your skin stops producing collagen (the protein your body produces that makes your skin look smooth & young) at age 16? If you want to reduce signs of aging, taking care of your skin with a good face regimen is the best way to go. One of my favorites that I will always swear to is Mary Kay’s improved TimeWise Miracle 3D Set. The travel sized kit includes a 4-in-1 Cleanser, Day Cream SPF 30 Broad Spectrum Sunscreen, Night Cream, and Eye Cream. Some of the full-sized products are more than $30, but the travel size is a great way to see how your skin reacts to the product and is perfect for any type of travel.


15.) Roll-Up Travel Bag:

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Roll up travel bags are a big trend right now since they are a great way to store lots of items in a condensed and space-saving way. Whether you store makeup, toiletries, electronics, first aid supplies, or fine art/craft supplies, this four compartment bag fits more than meets the eye. Not to mention that this bag has another convenience that most others do not: the clear waterproof compartments are attachable and detachable with velcro to make access to your stored items easy and quick!


16.) Go-To Color Lipstick:

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When it comes to makeup, lipsticks can really impact your look. Some colors look good on some skin tones but not others, and it makes finding a good universal color that looks good on anyone. I am so happy to say that I found that color: Mary Kay’s Gel Semi-Shine Lipstick in “Berry Couture”. This color looks amazing on everyone I have used it on, and everyone loves it (don’t worry, I use disposable lip applicators to prevent the spread of germs, I always carry a few in my bag). It’s not too dark but it’s not too light, it’s literally the perfect tone and shade (it looks darker in this online image than it is in reality). Plus the formula long-lasting wear and lip moisturization.


17.) Lash Lengthening Mascara:

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The quote: “If you think there is no such thing as a magic wand, you’ve clearly never used mascara.” by Payal Puri couldn’t be truer. Mascara can either dramatically help or hurt your makeup look, so buying a brand with a long-lasting formula and a brush that separates lashes (not clumps) is a must. This mascara is literal magic, and the wand really makes lashes look thicker and fuller to complete any makeup style.


18.) Fast Makeup Brush Cleaner:

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One thing that women tend to neglect is their makeup brushes because it takes so much time to rinse products out and for the brushes to dry, not to mention that after cleaning brushes they never feel like they used to when they were new. This product has been a game changer for my skin and makeup application, just spray the cleaner on your brush, then wipe the brush off on a paper towel or disposable cloth, repeat 2-3 times and your brush is good as new! The brush dries within 5-10 minutes,  your bristles feel like new again, and your brush dries in in its original shape, so no more mutated bristles.


19.) Charcoal Mask:

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Charcoal masks are a huge trend right now, but research has shown that the kind that peels off of your face actually causes more harm than good. If you ever use a charcoal mask, use a kind that washes off, like this one. Your skin will feel smoother and cleaner after one use.  Thanks to extracts of rosemary and peppermint, this mask also delivers a fresh scent to awaken your senses, unlike some that have a weird smell or texture.


20.) Soothing Eye Gel:

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The most sensitive skin on your body is the skin around your eyes, and this is where most signs of aging begin on the average woman. ​This gel is a necessity for every woman because it contains botanical extracts reported to tone, firm and reduce the appearance of puffiness around the eyes. Plus it provides a cooling sensation after applying that leaves your eyes feeling moisturized and refreshed after one application.


21.) Warm Fuzzy Blanket:

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This may seem like an obvious statement, but every woman I know loves a good fuzzy blanket and owns at least five. I personally love this one because it is a high-quality sherpa blanket for a pretty great price that is perfect for any living room, bedroom, basement, etc. (more colors available on the website). 10/10 would recommend having a few available for guests or for yourself in a heartbeat!


22.) Portable Steamer:

Screen Shot 2019-01-18 at 10.52.47 AM.pngThis steamer is the perfect solution to wrinkle-free clothes regardless of the article of clothing or fabric products (drapes, blankets, etc.). It takes about 70 seconds to heat up, eliminates wrinkles fast, and runs for 9 minutes before you need to refill the tank. Plus there is a 5-year warranty, which isn’t common for many products. 


23.) Turbie Twist:

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This product has personally saved my hair and made the combing, drying, and flat ironing process significantly faster. These are made with 100% microfiber that truly holds in place, absorbs water and dries hair faster any towel can. Plus it is so much lighter and gentler to use one of these than to wrap a large towel on your head.


24.) Wet Brush:

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This is another product that has really sped up my hair combing, drying, and flat ironing time. It really works with your hair to get any tangles out before drying and even with dry hair works wonders. The reviews on this product are amazing, and once you use one, you’ll never go back.


25.) TubShroom:

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This drain protector fits inside the drain of your sink to collect anything that would normally clog your drain. From extra hair to food that won’t dissolve to your favorite ring that has a habit of slipping off, this makes your job of cleaning the drain so much easier and less of a hassle if something falls that shouldn’t.


26.) Shea Body Scrub:

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Some scrubs contain ingredients that may seem like they clean and strip away dirt, but the also can leave lasting damage to your skin over time, and speed the aging process. Using a scrub that contains natural and gentle ingredients like a shea scrub will make the exfoliation process less harmful on your skin, and provide extra moisturization. Plus, it is cooperative with all skin types to be used every day.


27.) Teeth Whitening Strips:

Screen Shot 2019-01-18 at 11.00.08 AM.pngWhen it comes to going for a fancy night out or looking good for a big presentation at work, whitening strips are your best friend. They remove all sorts of surface stains and create a brighter smile just after one use! I never follow the directions (use every day for # of days) I just use them twice within the week before the event and the day of and get amazing results that way.


28.) UntimaFio Manicure Helpers:

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This is one of the best ways to get the perfect manicure every time, and save money by doing your nails at home vs the salon. The way this works is you simply pick the right size piece that fits your nail that blocks the skin around your nail, and then paint the nail. It keeps any polish from hitting the skin around it, avoiding mistakes, reaches the hard to reach places and makes clean up easy!


29.) 5 in 1 Wine Tool:

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This wine tool is one of the best ways to sit down and enjoy a glass of wine and is considered a must-have for the hard working woman. It is a combination of an aerator, stopper, pourer, filter, and re-corker all in one. It makes even cheaper wines taste significantly different. Plus you can use it on other drinks and liquids too, like coffee syrups and creamers, sodas, sparkling waters, cooking oils, and various types of vinegar, just to name a few.


30.) Erasable Food Labels:

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These are perfect for every woman who loves to cook and enjoys leftovers, and I personally believe that this is pure genius! You can stick these on any type of container in your kitchen to label what is inside and the date to help know when it expires. Plus it’s erasable with a little bit of rubbing alcohol, lasts for multiple uses, and is safe to use in ovens, microwaves, dishwashers, and freezers! 


Did I leave out something you think is important? Leave a comment below with your “must have” for women to help a reader out!


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