Date ideas and habits that lead to happier couples

Many people believe that being in love can be the happiest thing to happen to them, and when you find the right person, it can be. But even when you find the right person, being in a relationship/ marriage, no matter what age, can have its challenges and trials. The majority of serious relationships/ marriages fail, either ending in a divorce and/ or separation or devolving into bitterness and dysfunction. Only three in ten couples remain in healthy, happy marriages, according to psychologist Ty Tashiro in his book, The Science of Happily Ever After.

Business Insider’s article says, “There are two ways to think about kindness. You can think about it as a fixed trait: either you have it or you don’t. Or you could think of kindness as a muscle. In some people, that muscle is naturally stronger than in others, but it can grow stronger in everyone with exercise,” and I couldn’t agree more with this analogy when it comes to everyday life, especially when it comes to close relationships.

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You can find numerous books, websites, lengthy articles, etc. that talk about ways to improve relationships, but they all share a common theme: building a consistent, significant, genuine connection with your partner. Any relationship that has this connection can thrive even during the most difficult times. If you are looking for ways to create, build and strengthen that connection, this article is for you.

Here are some wonderful date ideas and habits that are proven to lead to overall happier and healthier couples, if you have any fun ideas that are not listed in this article, leave a comment below and tell us your favorite date ideas and/ or couple’s habits!

Date Ideas:

  • Cook a new meal together at least once a week (or more).
  • Take a nice walk together in your favorite local park.
  • Relive your first date.
  • Pick a date activity that features your S.O.’s interests (art museum, a VR arcade, etc.)
  • Go to brunch on a day you both have off work.
  • Re-create a pricey class at home.
  • Go to a pottery or a painting class.
  • Take a dance class
  • Get a couple’s massage
  • Spend the day driving around your town/ city and explore local cites, places, and restaurants
  • Go to an amusement park- let out your inner child
  • Find the most unique/ odd attraction around you, and take a road trip there
  • Go to a sport’s game (high school, college, or pro level of the sport of you and your S.O’s choice)
  • Attend a comedy show
  • Have a wine (or alcohol of your choice) and craft night <21+>
  • Yoga at the park or a studio near you
  • Volunteer together at a charity that is meaningful to your S.O and you



  • Complement each other frequently
  • Occasionally send sweet and thoughtful texts to your S.O.
  • Never stop healthy communication.
  • Don’t be afraid to take a time out if things get too heated.
  • Allow God in your relationship: if you and your S.O. share similar religious beliefs, go to an agreed religious service every week
  • Be curious about your partner’s perspective
  • Be present, and participate in the moment
  • Follow the “5 by 5 rule”: if it’s not gonna matter in five years- don’t spend more than five minutes being upset about it
  • Express appreciation frequently
  • Don’t forget to say “I love you”
  • Don’t oversay “I love you”
  • Be spontaneous: plan surprises for your S.O. (fun date night, cook a meal and serve in bed, random flowers and her favorite candy, etc.)

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