Christmas gifts that women actually want

Do you struggle to find the perfect gift for your significant other, best friend, or coworker that you got from the Secret Santa exchange at work? Are you wanting to find a good gift that isn’t a gift card? Don’t worry, you can find some awesome and unique ideas right here! The gifts in this blog article will go from least expensive to most expensive. All of these gifts are under $25 though, so they can fit in almost any Christmas budget, and make the woman you’re shopping for feel special and spoiled.


Fun Wine Glass with a Bottle of Wine   (varies on store and brand)

This may seem expensive, but only if you go to expensive stores. You can run into a Dollar Tree, Hobby Lobby, Walmart, etc. and find a wine glass with some fun décor for a pretty reasonable price. Then if you run to Kroger or something and grab a bottle of Riesling or White Zinfandel, you can manage to stay in the $25 price range. To shop online, click on pictures to go directly to the appropriate site.


Mug & Hot Chocolate   (varies on store and brand)

Many chocolate companies sell their hot chocolate with a fancy mug that is all wrapped up nicely for an outrageous price. Make your own at a fraction of the cost, and be able to knock off more people on your shopping list! Run to Target, Walmart, or a store of your choice, and grab a box of hot chocolate (brand of your choice) and a few decorative mugs, then grab some plastic wrap and ribbon and you’re set! These are easy to wrap and look very professional at a fraction of the cost of just buying just one pre-made set. To shop online, click on pictures to go directly to the appropriate site.


Throw Blankets   ($10-$25)

Something I personally can never have too many of is soft and fuzzy throw blankets. Most women I know would say the same, and either can never find one in their house when they need it or can never find a clean one.  You can find some great, soft, and affordable throw blankets at Walmart, Target, Kohl’s, and many other stores in their home sections. To shop online, click on pictures to go directly to the appropriate site.


Fuzzy Socks & Lotion   ($10-$25)

You can find fuzzy socks almost anywhere: Walmart, Target, Walgreens, even the dollar store. Women love fuzzy socks, and pairing them with a nicely scented lotion makes it even better. If you want a recommendation on good quality and scented lotions, go with either Mary Kay or Bath and Body Works. Of course, if there is a lotion that you know she loves as her go to, go with that brand! To shop online, click on pictures and links to go directly to the appropriate site.

Mary Kay Mint Bliss      Mary Kay Hydration Lotion      Bath and Body Lotions


Fragrant Jewels Bath Bombs   ($14.95)

Every woman loves to take a moment and relax with a special treat. You cannot go wrong with bath bombs, they are great trends right now. Not only do these bath bombs smell amazing, but they also include a ring inside! The rings come in sizes 5-10, and the rings can value from $10-$10,000. I am obsessed with these bath bombs, the aroma is strong, they are natural, and my skin feels so soft after my bath. These also work well with people who have sensitive skin; I would know, I am one of them. The rings are also just absolutely gorgeous! If you know that the woman you’re shopping for has a picky sense of smell, I would recommend a rose, lavender, or eucalyptus bath bomb, they are basic scents and you cannot go wrong (the ring is random). If you don’t know what smells the woman you’re shopping for likes, just find out her birthday and buy her a Birthstone bath bomb (the ring inside will be her birthstone). You may think that they are pricey for a bath bomb, but they are huge in size and include a ring, so your money is well spent. To shop online, click on the link to go directly to the appropriate site.

Fragrant Jewels: Bath Bombs


Satin Lips Set: ($22)

If there is one thing that women hate, its dry lips. We carry an insane amount of Chapstick, EOS, lip balm, etc. for a reason. With winter coming up, it is only going to get worse. Try getting them Mary Kay’s Satin Lips Set that comes with a shea butter sugar lip scrub and shea butter lip balm that will leave lips moisturized for hours. I use this stuff religiously during cold winter months and notice a huge difference when I don’t use it. It has become my personal must-have for winter, and I know it will be a huge hit with any woman you buy this for. To shop online, click on the link to go directly to the appropriate site.

Mary Kay Satin Lips Set

satin lips


Charcoal Face Mask   ($24)

Charcoal masks are all the rage in the beauty industry. One thing that dermatologists recommend though is to never use peel-off charcoal masks, they do much more harm than help on your face. Only use wash off charcoal masks, they do all the benefits of activated charcoal on the skin, and do not cause harm or damage to your face. The best charcoal mask that I have found in quality, price, and size is Mary Kay’s Charcoal Mask. I bought my bottle in May, used it on myself roughly every week, and even used it on my friends, and I still have not had to replace the bottle. It lasts FOREVER, and makes your skin feel flawless! To shop online, click on the link to go directly to the appropriate site.

Mary Kay Charcoal Mask

charcoal mask

Fragrant Jewels Candles:   ($24.95)

What happens if the woman you need a gift for has a severe allergy or does not have a tub? No worries, Fragrant Jewels also sells amazing candles too! These candles last a very long time, include a ring that values from $10-$10,000, and also smell divine. I have several candles by Fragrant Jewels and have yet to find a scent I do not like. In their classic collection, they sell candles that are rose scented, lemon scented, apple-scented, and so many more! I personally love their rose candle, it is the best rose candle I have found on the market, and the ring is always a nice surprise. To shop online, click on the link to go directly to the appropriate site.

Fragrant Jewels: Candles

If all else fails, you lose track of time, and you have to grab something at the very last minute, there are two stores that you cannot fail at when it comes to gift cards: Starbucks & Target. Don’t do just gift cards, make it look like you placed some thought into it. Just throw a bottle of nail polish that is their favorite color, or some of their favorite candy in a bag with the gift card, and you’ll be set.  It will look like you put more effort in then you did, and it won’t break the bank. To shop online, click on pictures to go directly to the appropriate site.

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